What Would You Do? An Ally’s Guide to Dealing With Tough Situations (Pride 2024 Edition)

What Would You Do? An Ally’s Guide to Dealing With Tough Situations (Pride 2024 Edition)

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Visible, vocal, and active allyship can be tough, especially in the face of disinformation and intense conflict. But as dedicated allies – no matter where we are on our journey – we have the power to model the supportive and welcoming behavior we hope to see in our friends and family. And PFLAG National’s Straight for Equality program is here to help ensure that love takes action – this year, and every year.

In this updated session, you’ll:

Review Straight for Equality’s ally spectrum and clarify the ways in which the advanced allies’ journey looks different than new and potential allies who are just getting started;

Discuss skills and resources that allies need to establish themselves as advocates, learn more, educate others, and create conversations about LGBTQ+ equality;

Develop strategies for avoiding conflict and moving away from dead-end debates;

Work out, through a group discussion, how you’d navigate some common (but tough) scenarios that allies often face in their communities – and learn how others do it, too; and

Get access to PFLAG National and Straight for Equality resources that will help you lead with love all year long!

Jamie Henkel (she/her)

Vice President, Learning & Inclusion

PFLAG National

Jamie Henkel is the Vice President, Learning & Inclusion at PFLAG National. She is the program’s lead trainer and oversees the development of new publications and learning sessions for PFLAG National’s Straight for Equality program. Since 2012 she has been the lead architect of PFLAG Academy Online, a monthly webinar program. Jamie lives in Portland, OR with her cat and partner. She enjoys day hiking (but not backpacking) and everything else that the Pacific Northwest has to offer.

Mackenzie Harte (they/them)

Learning & Inclusion Manager

PFLAG National

Mackenzie Harte is the Learning & Inclusion Manager at PFLAG National, contributing to a team that has trained tens of thousands of allies since Mackenzie started in March of 2021. Prior to their time at PFLAG, Mackenzie worked with the GLAAD Media Institute to train over 12,000 activists and advocates across the globe, as well as managing Bisexual+ Awareness Week (#BiWeek) in 2019 and 2020. Mackenzie currently resides in New York City with their cat Saoirse, and is a (song)writer and staunch devotee of Carly Rae Jepsen in their spare time.


Open to view video.  |  60 minutes
Open to view video.  |  60 minutes PFLAG Academy Online, recorded June 2024
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Agree to terms to continue. Copyright, PFLAG National, 2024
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